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Jason Green: the brains, heart and soul of Yeti Trail Runners

Jason Green has built a community with Yeti Trail Runners.

By Henry Howard


When I began this monthly series featuring race directors, among the first I identified was Jason Green, race director of Yeti Trail Runners.


I’d previously written about Green, focusing on the start of Yeti Trail Runners, building an inclusive community and much more. Among his 13 rules of race directing: No sponsors. He even turned down a $20,000 sponsorship.


“That's OK because I think it has to be a grassroots effort all the time and a place for everyone,” he said in the post. “If you show up and Bank of America is on the back of your shirt, they don't have shit to do with ultra running.”


This month, I’m featuring Green as part of my special series highlighting race directors this year.


Every month during 2024, I will publish a story about one North American race director who specializes in trail and ultra events as a way to highlight what makes this sport great. That is the people, the community and the events themselves. The previous RDs:


• April: Aneta Zeppettella of Empower Ultras.

• May: Vanessa Kline of Beast Coast Productions.


If you have nominations for other race directors to highlight, feel free to contact me with your suggestions.

Jason Green is an explorer, too.

Jason Green: Yeti Trail Runners race director


Question: Why did you get into race directing?

Answer: Ultra running found me and I enjoyed it so much and loved meeting up with others at races but sometimes they left me feeling more alone than my long runs. I thought constantly about the things that found me in my life: skateboarding, music and how they were so fulfilling when others came together for a skateboard contest or show. I lived beside a state park and would have friends come and run loops out of my garage and the feeling of that was what I craved in races. So I wrote down what those garage days offered and I got a permit and put on the first ultra race in the world built of skateboarding and punk rock. The community at that first race was amazing! And I knew I had to keep going and bring races to others! 

Question: How did you get your start as an race director?

Answer: My ultra running mentor David would always tell me for every race you run, volunteer at two. I enjoyed it. I volunteered at every aid station, start-finish line, packet pickup that I could. I learned so much and took so many notes on changes and most importantly on how to be flexible and then I hosted the first ever Yeti trail race out of my house called The Yeti Spaghetti. After a few Fat Ass style races, I created our first event open to the public, the Yeti Snakebite. 

Jason Green offers advice to those also wanting to direct ultras.

Question: What's the most interesting thing you've learned about yourself since you became a race director?

Answer: I had no idea I was a good problem solver. Races take on a life of their own and you have to learn to solve little problems all day long.

Question: What's your best piece of advice for someone who wants to become a race director?

Answer: Speaking just on ultra trail races, run ultra races for a couple of years. This is a big one for me. I’ve run a few races hosted by companies that have had zero involvement in ultra and they were horrible. Hosting ultra races is about connections and you can’t connect or predict a runners’ needs at mile 88 if you’ve never been there. Volunteer for a bunch of races. Learn the ins and outs. Find a good RD who will mentor you. A perfect example of this is David Horton — he’s mentored several runners who are now amazing race directors.

Question: What's your favorite race to direct?

Answer: Dam Yeti 55k/50miler. The atmosphere, scenery and fun are off the charts! I get really jealous that I can’t run with everyone. 

Question: What's your favorite race to run?

Answer: Mountain Mist 50K — it’s in January and it’s a perfect looped course with so many  great features. It’s just a celebration of trail running in the southeast.

Question: If a runner can only do one of your races ever, it would be … :

Answer: Dam Yeti. The community that shows up to run this race is the best in the world. Life changing.

Question: What exciting project do you have in the works?

Answer: We have a new event taking place in New Mexico in 2025. A large festival with many distances.

Question: Where can runners find out more about your races?



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