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Coming up: My fourth annual Most Inspirational Ultra Runners of the Year

By Henry Howard

A few years ago I was looking for a way to do a year-end list without the tired “best of” or “top moments” that are so common. So I launched the Most Inspirational Ultra Runners of the Year compilation. After all, the ultra running community is known for being incredibly inspiring. Us mortals marvel at the speed of the elites. While those on the podium regularly cheer on runners who finish toward the back of the pack, often praising their efforts for toughing out a race for so long. We also find inspiration in the successes related to longevity, overcoming addictions or spreading joy to others on the trail.

The lists I’ve published previously have honored ultra runners who have won major races, set amazing FKTs or emerged from darkness to shine a light on others. You can check out previous editions including the first year here, the second edition here and the one from 2020 is here.

This year I’ll be publishing the list once again around Dec. 1. While ultras will continue beyond that point, it seems like a good time to pay tribute to those who have inspired us throughout the year.

I’ve already identified some of the ultra runners who I will highlight. But I would like to hear from you. Contact me to offer your suggestions and I’ll add those to my nominees who I will consider for the final list.

Thanks so much for reading. Have a happy, healthy and inspiring rest of the year!


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