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Best planks for runners

One of the best core exercises for runners is the plank.

By Henry Howard


As a runner, having a strong core is crucial for maintaining proper running form, generating power to your legs and avoiding injuries. One of the best core exercises for runners is the plank. These moves work the entire core musculature including the rectus abdominis (front ab muscles), transverse abdominis (deep core stabilizers), obliques (side abs), the glutes and shoulders.


Here are some of the key benefits of planks for runners:


Improved running posture and form: Doing core exercises like planks can lead to better posture. These targeted moves help build strength and endurance in postural muscles. That makes it easier to keep your back, neck and shoulders neutral while running. With a strong core, runners can maintain an upright posture and avoid arching their lower back which minimizes the chance for injuries.

With a strong and stable core, runners transfer more power to their arm and leg movements.

Increased power and efficiency: With a strong and stable core, runners transfer more power to their arm and leg movements. This helps you run with more power and efficiency.


Stronger upper body: Planks activate multiple muscle groups, including the arms. As you push up from the floor to get into a plank position, you activate your biceps, triceps and forearm muscles. As you hold the plank, you are engaging the deltoid muscles in your shoulders and pectoral muscles in your chest. Additionally, you are engaging your core — there it is again – as it supports your body weight. Proper plan form calls for a neutral back, so your back muscles are also activated to achieve that goal.


Better balance: Planks improve your overall stability, which helps you remain balanced with each foot strike while running. They challenge you to engage deep abdominal muscles and keep your back straight while balancing your weight on your hands and toes. That requires controlled movement and stability.


Injury prevention: Planks strengthen the muscles that support your spine. A weak core puts more strain on your back to support your bodyweight and is a common cause of lower back injuries.


Four of the best planks for runners


Here are a variety of the planks that benefit runners:


Standard forearm plank: The classic plank position where you hold yourself up on your forearms and toes with a straight body. Aim for one minute, then build up to where you can hold the form for two minutes.


The side plank works your obliques which are important stabilizer muscles for runners.

Side plank: Get into a plank on your side resting on one forearm on the ground or mat and your feet together, one on top of the other. This works your obliques which are important stabilizer muscles for runners. For a more advanced plank move, reach up with your non-weight bearing hand as you also lift your top leg, keeping your balance. Hold for 30 seconds, return to side plank position, then rotate to the other side. (For an added challenge, push up from your forearm to your hand.)


Plank jacks: From a standard plank, alternate bringing one knee toward your chest then back into position, then do the other side. This fires up your core. Do 10 reps each side, then build up to 20 each.


Single leg planks: Lift one leg up behind you from a standard plank position, keeping it outstretched and straight, hold for 30 seconds. Then do the other side. Again work toward a hold of one minute each side, while maintaining good form. This plank challenges your core and hip stabilizers.


Regular planks are a good supplement to your running, as they help strengthen your core. Do them a couple of times a week, either as part of an overall core workout, or a dynamic cooldown after a run.





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