A testimonial for Squirrel's Nut Butter

I am in taper mode for my first 100K, the Ultra Race of Champions (UROC) this coming weekend. It's been a long training season with a lot of miles and time on my feet.
In fact, the past three months have been my highest mileage months ever. In March, I ran 259.9 miles, followed by April when I did 195.3 and February when I recorded 181.3.
But the most impressive number to me was zero. As in zero cases of chafing and blisters.

I give full credit to Squirrel's Nut Butter, which I used before all of my medium and long runs. And, thanks to my travel schedule, I experienced conditions ranging from temperatures in the 70s to subzero wind chills to snow and ice. And, of course, rain.
The Flagstaff, Ariz.-based company uses all natural ingredients. In fact, SNB has recently come up with vegan options. On its website, the company promises to use “all-natural products that keep your skin healthy throughout the day or night.”
Packing SNB for Boston
Among the times I used SNB was during the Boston Marathon last month.
The forecast called for warm spring temperatures and storms throughout the day. However, the day before the race, the forecast indicated that a break between rainstorms would occur roughly the time I would be running the race, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. That meant smooth sailing during the race but likely rain to deal with beforehand.

The forecast absolutely nailed it.
I applied SNB and it worked throughout the race as it had during training runs. No issues whatsoever from the pre-race soaking to the 26.2 miles on pavement to the walking around afterward.
A friend of mine, who had been dealing with blisters during his training for the Boston Marathon ruck march, had asked me for advice beforehand. "Squirrel's Nut Butter will work perfectly for you," I told him.
He didn't listen.
To his credit, he fared very well in the ruck march. But his feet were a hot mess — literally — during and afterward. I have no doubt that Squirrel's Nut Butter would have protected his feet.
Take a lesson from him — and me — protect your body parts with SNB. You'll be glad you did, especially as the temperatures begin to rise and runners will face more heat and friction.