The drive of a new running coach

It’s been almost exactly two months since I announced on this blog my intentions to become a certified running coach.
This past week, the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) certified me as a coach after I passed the requirements, which included attending their two-day course, passing the online test and having valid CPR/First Aid training.
In addition to being RRCA certified, I have qualified for the Boston Marathon multiple times and have run races from 5Ks to 50-milers. I have successful experience working one-on-one with runners.
Currently, I have openings for runners of all skill levels who want to receive customized training plans, regular feedback and inspiration so they can achieve their goals. Click here to email Henry for more information.
The opportunity to work with runners and see them blossom is what drives me. It’s so inspiring to see them work hard, learn what’s possible and exceed their goals. Take, for example, my first unofficial client, Cameran.
Cameran's PR story
As I mentioned in that earlier blog, Cameran had been progressing toward a PR in the half marathon. While I was in the RRCA class, I received a text from Cameran, saying that she PR’d at the Nov. 3 Indianapolis Monumental half marathon, beating her time from a year ago by six minutes.
It honestly was hard to contain my excitement as I read through her texts. I am so proud of her and am excited to get back to working with her on her goals for 2019.
“Before working with Henry, I followed online half marathon training plans that got me over the finish line. But they didn’t tap into my potential or show me how to train properly. Henry wrote a personalized training plan that incorporated easy days, hard runs, cross training and speed work. His running expertise and passion for the sport brought out my strengths as a runner and gave me a 6-minute PR! And as a full-time working mom, he created a training schedule that was flexible and worked for me.” — Cameran
Dionne the marathoner
During the time I was working with Cameran, I was also working with two other friends who also set PRs in their goal races.
Dionne’s goal was to finish her first marathon. She chose to follow an online training plan but asked me questions about health, nutrition, running, injuries and more during her 16-month training cycle. Not only did she finish her marathon, she beat her goal time.
“As a brand new runner and someone who had never even contemplated running a marathon before, Coach Henry’s advice and guidance throughout my training truly made the difference. I had no idea what was normal and what wasn’t during 16 weeks of more running than I had ever done in my entire life.
When I first started training, I thought I’d never run again after my race but by the end of training I couldn’t imagine ever not running. My primary goal had been just to finish. But thanks to his awesome coaching, I was also able to maintain my training pace and finish in under six hours!
And I absolutely LOVED it. I’m already researching my next race!” — Dionne
Last but not least is my friend John, a 50something runner who wants to beat 20 minutes in a 5K by his birthday next summer. We have worked to lower his 5K PR already and he is on his way to reaching that goal in 2019.
From 5K to marathon to ultra goals, I would be honored to help you reach your potential. Contact me for more information about my approach, customized training plans and more.