Shady Rays sunglasses offer eye protection, shatter-proof lenses

It’s finally time. After nearly 50 years on this planet, my eyes need some assistance.
My eye doctor confirmed the news during a recent appointment. Beyond the eyeglasses — just for reading now, thank you very much — she also suggested doing drops several times a day and wearing sunglasses as often as possible during the day.
The second recommendation is an easy one, yet important as I do some of my weekday runs at lunchtime. Thankfully, I am testing and enjoying Shady Rays.
As a BibRave Pro, I had the opportunity to test the Shady Rays Signature Series polarized lenses. Learn more about being a BibRavePro ambassador and check out to review, find and rate races.

After receiving the Shady Rays, I wore them on several runs and bike rides when the sun was out and menacing. I found them to effectively block out the sun and provide a clear view of the roads or trail set out before me. While summer is the most notable time to wear sunglasses, I plan to use these during daylight runs even as fall and then winter enter the picture.
It’s notable that the shades worked well whether I was pushing myself through sun-lit city streets, or taking in a trail run with variable light and shade conditions. Shady Rays are sunglasses I would definitely turn to for races, whether they are a mid-morning road race or a long ultra encompassing sunlight and sundown.
Of course, for endurance athletes, it is especially important to protect your eyes from the sun.
Did you know, runner friends, that permanent damage from the sun to your eyes can take as little as 100 seconds? That’s true, according to this article.
It should be clear by now that sunglasses can help ward off sun-related eye issues. But not all sunglasses are created equal, or demonstrate social responsibility.

I was pleased to learn that Shady Rays sunglasses are not only made with the endurance athlete in mind, but that the company does place a high priority on being a good community leader.
Shady Rays sunglasses come with a lifetime warranty, promise shatter-proof polarized lenses and are pretty affordable — ranging from $35 to $75. Even better, the company provides 11 meals for Feeding America with every order.
While my new eyedrop commitment to my eye doctor is a chore, I don’t feel that way about wearing my Shady Rays.
Bring on the sun and warmth, I say, my Shady Rays will keep my eyeballs protected as I continue to train for my races this fall, and beyond.