KT Tape helps blisters heal

Somehow I had the rare combination of a scar from emergency abdominal surgery, which forced me to miss my first 100K, and a leftover blister from my 50-miler three weeks earlier.
As I recovered from my surgery, I did a lot of walking. Upon returning home from the hospital — and finally being able to bend enough to see the bottom of my foot — I discovered that the blister was still there. Of course, my bigger concern was healing from surgery. At the same time, I wanted my foot blister to recover.
Enter KT Tape’s new Blister Treatment Patch. Disclaimer: I received a sample of the treatment patch to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro ambassador, and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!
As an endurance runner, I was all too familiar with KT Tape Pro. It had helped me work through an ITBS injury a few years ago and, more recently, an issue with my Achilles. However, in all of my running, I had never experienced a blister.
Walking, jogging, testing, healing

Upon leaving the hospital, I dedicated myself to walking three or four times a day, starting around 5,000 steps a day and working my way up to 8,000 then 10,000 and topping out around 12,000.
I then graduated to running — slowly, very slowly – on June 3. I knocked off a couple of miles every three days for a week or so, then began very easy runs every other day.
During my walking and jogging rehab, I applied the KT Tape to the blister on my right foot.
How it works
The latex-free patch feels like a Band-aid. It’s easy to apply and stays on the foot, even during walking and running, without an issue.
KT Tape says that the patch can treat blisters, cuts, scrapes, other abrasions and minor wounds.

The patch protects against the elements — water, dirt, etc. — but I did find that it came off easily in the shower.
I am thankful for the opportunity to test out KT Tape’s Blister Treatment Patch. Clearly, it worked for me.
I will continue to rebuild my strength and conditioning, working toward another attempt to finish a 100K. I will definitely keep the treatment and prevention patches close by during intense training and racing. And I’ll remember to pack them in my drop bags or vest during ultra marathons, especially during hot and/or wet courses.
Given the pounding my feet will take during training and racing, I will put KT Tape’s Blister Prevention Tape to good use. But if I am not careful enough and suffer another blister, It’s reassuring to know that there is help in the form of KT Tape’s Blister Treatment Patch.
Now, if there were only KT Tape for abdominal surgery, I would have been back to running even sooner.