Top Western States competitor Tyler Green balances roles as family man, pro runner and coach
Elite ultra runner Tyler Green balances roles as family man, pro runner and coach as he and his wife Rachel Drake prepare for Western States

Uplifting Beast Coast ultra runners during and after the pandemic
Beast Coast Productions puts on trail and ultra races in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware, giving ultra runners challenging options.

Celebrating Earth Day with a fun 50K race
The Earth Day 50K, by Ornery Mule Racing, is a perfect way to celebrate the holiday with handmade medals, friendly volunteers and much more.

Aneta Zeppettella finds her tribe with Empower Ultras
Empower Ultras co-race director Aneta Zeppettella, who immigrated to the U.S. from Poland in 1999, found her tribe and community as an RD.

Katie Arnold and the ‘Zen and the Art of Running Free’
Katie Arnold's new book, Zen and the Art of Running Free, is about running, Zen and the mindset she adapted as she returned from injury.

Kim Levinsky: Building an inclusive community via Sassquad Trail Running
Sassquad Trail Running has events from 5Ks to a 100-miler. Race director Kim Levinsky is building an inclusive community open to all people

Women’s History Month: 10 women ultra runners who shine
Here are 10 women ultra runners who shine a light on the community for their performances, grit, engaging personalities, and so much more.

This is the best watch for running
Coros is the best watch for runners, hikers, cyclists and others. Coros is known for world-class battery life, syncing easily and much more.

Scott Kummer: The voice and brains behind Ten Junk Miles
Ten Junk Miles, led by Scott Kummer, puts on three trail and ultra races, publishes an entertaining podcast and volunteers at other races.

Our one wild and precious life
“What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” The Mary Oliver poem has resonated with me since my dad's passing.