Top 20 Most Inspirational Ultra Runners for 2022
The top 20 most inspirational ultra runners of the year feature elites, a nonbinary athlete and others.

Holiday gift guide for runners
What are the best gifts for runners? For the runner in your life, here's a quick guide for products and gear for use before, during or after

Charting a path after Western States drawing
How do you get selected in the Western States lottery? Qualify, get picked in the lottery. And keep trying year after year. Here is my plan.

Garrett Corcoran overcomes burnout, conquers JFK50
Garrett Corcoran wins the JFK50 after overcoming burnout post Cal Berkeley, embracing the running community and finding mental wellness.

JFK50 record-holder sets goal for Western States Golden Ticket
The JFK50 women's record holder, Sarah Biehl, is aiming to get a Golden Ticket to get into Western States at Black Canyon or The Canyons.

Who are the Top 20 Most Inspirational Ultra Runners for 2022?
Who should be on RunSpirited's annual Top 20 Most Inspirational Ultra Runners for 2022. Courtney? Walmsley? Camille? Adam Peterman?

Jason Green spreads enthusiasm, evokes joy and embraces inclusivity
Jason Green and his Yeti Trail Races bring relentless positivity, joy and inclusivity to ultra running.

What a nonbinary ultra runner wants you to know
Nonbinary ultra runner Riley Brady shares their story about gender, challenges growing up, qualifying for Western States at Javelina Jundred

Jason Schlarb’s journey through injury and back to UTMB
Elite ultra runner Jason Schlarb suffered a torn ACL and meniscus, then went through extensive rehab before returning to and finishing UTMB.

40 songs that aren’t really about running but really are
Inspirational and other song titles that could be about the pain, joy and everything in between about running. But they really aren't.