Questions and answers about trail running shoes
Answers to the most common questions runners have about trail running shoes — how to know when to replace shoes and how to make them last.

What a nonbinary ultra runner wants you to know
Nonbinary ultra runner Riley Brady shares their story about gender, challenges growing up, qualifying for Western States at Javelina Jundred

Jason Schlarb’s journey through injury and back to UTMB
Elite ultra runner Jason Schlarb suffered a torn ACL and meniscus, then went through extensive rehab before returning to and finishing UTMB.

A first at the Moab 240
Ultra runner Aum Gandhi will be the first runner to represent India in the Moab 240 running race, which starts Oct. 7

On top of the world
The Leadville Race Series, directed by Tamira Jenlink, is a series of trail running and cycling races in the vibrant Colorado mountain town.

10 takeaways from the 2022 UTMB
Kilian Jornet again won UTMB in 2022 while Jim Walmsley, Zach Miller, Katie Schide, Marianne Hogan and Katlyn Gerbin had solid performances.

Six key takeaways from the 2022 Leadville 100
The 2022 Leadville 100 race was won by Adrian Macdonald while Clare Gallagher won the women's race. Those were among the top storylines.

My approach to coaching runners
My approach to coaching runners features individualized plans, a mix of runs, cross training, injury prevention and relentless positivity.

Running, racing and the numbers game
The Beaver Chase trail marathon is a solid race. Here are some numbers I've been evaluating ahead of my big goal race, the Hennepin Hundred.

The lure of Leadville
Marathon and ultra runner Tyler Andrews set a course record at the Leadville Trail Marathon and is now set on competing at the Leadville 100