Why is protein important to runners?
Protein is critical for runners and other endurance athletes. Without it, their physical and mental health can be negatively impacted.
Holiday gift guide for runners
Your holiday gift guide for runners including shoes, clothes, nutrition, gels, strength training, watches and other accessories, and more.
Using AI with InsideTracker tests
InsideTracker offers remarkable health data, easy to understand recommendations and AI assistance to keep athletes healthy and fit.
Applying ultra lessons for a sub ultra race
I used lessons learned from long ultra races to have a solid performance at a sub ultra, where I finished fourth overall.
How to compare InsideTracker tests
Regular InsideTracker blood tests allow me to analyze how my training, nutrition, recovery and other factors impact my overall health.
Shannon O’Grady guides Gnarly Nutrition into the future
Gnarly Nutrition CEO Shannon O'Grady leads a team that creates nutritious supplements that are clean, NSF sport certified and taste great.
Austin Meyer: A life of filmmaking, running and clean eating
Austin Meyer is an accomplished documentary filmmaker and storyteller as well as an ultra runner who has won several races.
How to use InsideTracker to gauge a year of tests
How to use InsideTracker data over a year of tests to improve your health and fitness. Use my discount code to get started.
What type of protein is best for runners?
Here is an overview of the best options for runners who are seeking protein for recovery. Choose the one best fits your own individual needs
2023 holiday gift guide for runners
The 2023 holiday gift guide for runners offers dozens of ideas for any size budget from nutrition to running gear to recovery products.