Yassine Diboun’s journey to overcome racism
Yassine Diboun’s life path has brought him from a small Pennsylvania town to Colorado and back again to the East Coast and finally to the...

Seven disabled veterans set out on PTSD Century Hike
Joshua Emer, Chad Prichard and five other disabled veterans are heading out on the PTSD Century Hike, a 100-mile walk over four days to...

Coree Woltering perseveres through sickness, racism and ticks
(Coree Woltering setting the FKT on the Ice Age Trail. All Ice Age Trail photos by Kevin Youngblood.) To say professional ultra runner...

An ultra runner’s long recovery from coronavirus
Tina Vaziri never thought she would get coronavirus. Even though her city, Chicago, was among the first U.S. cities hit, even though her...

Howie Stern: ‘Storytelling with a camera’
It’s a chicken or the egg question. Which came first for Howie Stern, his love of running or passion for photography? “It was definitely...

Kaylo Littlejohn overcomes racism, isolation to flourish and finish 240-mile ultra
Kaylo Littlejohn grew up angry, isolated and abused. He acted up in school, one of the few African-Americans in the predominantly white...

The Ultimate Triathlon and other adventures of Luke Tyburski
The determination to never give up is embedded in Luke Tyburski’s DNA. After injuries forced Tyburski to retire from soccer, the sport he...

David Roche’s journey to coaching
Roughly a year ago I was in the market for a new coach. My coach at the time had guided me to my first 100K finish and taught me about...

A black runner speaks out on Ahmaud Arbery, racism and healing
When I learned about the death of Ahmaud Arbery, I was struck with a mix of anger and fear for some of my friends in real life and on...

Zoë Rom molds failures into FKT, new podcast
Zoë Rom grew up hiking, backpacking and canoeing on the Buffalo River in Arkansas. “The Buffalo River Trail (BRT) had always captured my...