10 things to know about your first ultra marathon
There is a lot to know for first-time ultra marathon runners. This guide provides an overview on nutrition, hydration, training and more.

The top 10 stories on RunSpirited this year
The top 10 trail and ultra running stories on RunSpirited include coaching tips, lighting for runners and an elite athlete's historic race.

How to prepare for an ultra marathon: Essential tips for long-distance runners
Ultras take your body and mind to the next level beyond traditional marathons. Here are some basics to prepare you for your first ultra.

A guide to active recovery for runners
Active recovery for runners is vital for their development because it is at rest when the body heals and repairs itself, and builds muscle.

How a coach can help develop your running plan
There are numerous ways that an experienced running coach can help develop your running plan, identify big long-term goals and achieve them.

How runners should choose their next race
Runners are driven to train when they have a race or goal on the calendar. But when motivation lags, here are tips to find a new challenge.

Transforming your running hobby into a professional career: Guide from Jooble
For those interested in running, explore career opportunities in coaching, event organization, sports marketing and professional running.

Why runners should embrace ‘hard days hard, easy days easy’
Runners should follow a "hard days hard, easy days easy approach." This reduces the risk of injury and leads to higher quality workouts.

How masters runners can finish their first marathon
For masters athletes who have a goal of finishing their first marathon, here are some tips as they start out on their journey to 26.2 miles.

How runners should do cutback weeks in training
Cutback weeks for runners help their bodies recover, boost their fitness, improve performance and protect against running injuries.