The best watch for endurance athletes
When it comes to watches for ultra runners, is there any more desired feature than a long battery life? Sure, accurate data is a must —...
Ian Sharman's recipe for consistency
(Ian Sharman with his Western States buckles, as of the 2018 race. Photo credit: Amy Sharman) To put Ian Sharman’s nine consecutive top...
Top 10 podcasts for runners (updated)
I have been an avid listener of podcasts for quite a while now. I subscribe to about 25 different ones, which I listen to during my runs,...
How to read an InsideTracker test after a marathon
Four days after my first Boston Marathon and amid my three highest-volume training months ever, I had my blood tested by InsideTracker. I...
For Prevail founder, it’s plants for food and recovery
Brock Cannon recently won his second ultra marathon in a row. That’s a solid accomplishment especially for an ultra runner who only got...
5 things you should know about PlantFusion
As a masters endurance athlete who has completed more than 25 marathons and ultra marathons, I require more protein than most other...
Thanks to my supporters that helped me conquer UROC
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends mm, I get high with a little help from my friends I got by, for sure, and it was high up...
Finding my ‘why’ en route to my first 100K
Sometimes we just do hard things, to paraphrase Scott Jurek. But what is our “why” for doing the hard things? I’ve thought a lot about...
A testimonial for Squirrel's Nut Butter
I am in taper mode for my first 100K, the Ultra Race of Champions (UROC) this coming weekend. It's been a long training season with a lot...
Tips on transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle
Adam Chaim grew up as an athletic kid. Of course in Canada that meant hockey. He also played volleyball, did weight training and inhaled...