No chafing thanks to Squirrel’s Nut Butter

Any runner who has experienced a Psycho-like scream in the shower understands the value of good anti-chafing cream.
I’ve tried several options with various levels of success. But none of them have come close to protecting my at-risk parts better than Squirrel’s Nut Butter.
I am not alone. In fact, Squirrel’s Nut Butter has a who’s who in ultra running among its list of brand ambassadors — Courtney Dauwalter, Michael Wardian, Camille Herron, Jim Walmsley, Patrick Regan, Stephanie Howe Violett, Coree Woltering, Eric Senseman and many others.
Thanks to Squirrel’s Nut Butter, I received some samples and will give one item away as part of a contest as I document my Journey to My First 100K at the Ultra Race of Champions in May 2019. Some other brands have signed on to the contest, which is still in the development stages. Once all of the loose ends are tied up, I will promote the products and let you know how to enter.
From Dragonfly to Squirrel
Squirrel’s Nut Butter was originally named Dragonfly Skincare.

But when Brian Marshall, nicknamed Squirrel, used it during a mountain bike ride a few years ago, a new name apparently was born.
In June 2015, Matt Keyes used Squirrel’s Nut Butter en route to a victory at the Western States 100. In September of that year, SNB is officially launched as an anti-chafe product for athletes.
The Flagstaff, Ariz.-based company uses all natural ingredients. In fact, SNB has recently come up with vegan options. On its website, the company promises to use “all-natural products that keep your skin healthy throughout the day or night.”
My experience
I have used Squirrel’s Nut Butter in a variety of running distances, climates and times of day. Literally everything from a hot summer tempo run to a subzero, five-hour run starting before dawn to a significant elevation change at the Leadville Marathon.

During those runs — and all the others — I have never chafed in a spot protected by Squirrel’s Nut Butter. I was so impressed with SNB’s anti-chafe salve, I began using its Happie Toes for my feet to prevent blisters during long runs and races. To date, I have had zero blisters when running with Happie Toes applied to my feet.
Happie Toes is made of kokum butter, peppermint oil and tea tree oil. The company says that combination fights bacteria and inflammation, while healing skin issues and regenerating skin cells.
Soon I will close out the 2018 race season, then take a brief break before jumping into training and racing with my eyes focused on the 100K. As I prepare my body and mind for this challenge, I know that there will be various issues I will need to work through. But thanks to Squirrel’s Nut Butter, I know that I won’t have to deal with chafing problems.